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An easy candidate relationship with template creation: our tips

Over 80% of talent wants to keep in touch with recruiters after an initial exchange: Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) has therefore become a real strategic focus for recruiters. Fast, efficient, uniform communications adapted to different profiles... using templates can help you become an expert in recruitment marketing, especially when it comes to writing and sending emails. How can you do it?
An easy candidate relationship with template creation: our tips

There are many reasons for communication: from target-group-specific messages in proactive sourcing to event invitations, regular newsletters, and special campaigns. So it would be nice to have a consistent approach, both in terms of the message, tone and, of course, corporate identity. Sounds like a lot of work? The solution: templates.

Fast, consistent and professional communication thanks to templates

Why templates are a useful tool in recruitment and people management quickly becomes apparent. HR positions the company as an employer and this should be done as rigorously as possible with consistent messages, low error rates, and high brand awareness in the individual communication measures. One of the ways to achieve this is with appropriate templates that, ideally, can be created in your own software system for candidate relationship management. Templates also save valuable time. Because if there is an existing professional blueprint, as a rule, it is only necessary to replace images and replace headlines and blocks of text. This is child’s play even for HR staff with little graphic experience.

Multiply success with the right blueprints

With the help of templates, internal best practices can also be made available to colleagues – thus multiplying success. For example, if a mailing has achieved very good open and click rates, this may be due to its layout or contents. Both can be adapted for other mailings by using appropriate templates, without other recruiters having to reinvent the wheel. The amount of effort required, particularly for multi-level campaigns, is reduced enormously when there are existing templates for the individual building blocks; and where messages can be sent automatically via the talent pool – with consistent communication standards that are GDPR compliant.

Quick return on investment: everyone benefits from a template

A good template does not just appear in the database by magic. Time and effort have to be invested in creating the template in the first place. But then the entire team benefits from the result and the upfront investment quickly pays off. Incidentally, creating templates using the template function on the Candidate Relationship Management by CleverConnect is not rocket science either. Thanks to the easy-to-use and intuitive Editor, emails, newsletters and invitations etc. can be created in a flash in accordance with corporate design guidelines. Things are even simpler with the standard templates already set up in the CleverConnect CRM. These are ready to use and only need to be adapted to your own CI.

Recruitment activities with template potential

In principle, templates can be created for any communication needs that regularly arise in company-specific recruitment processes and can be standardised. Are you short of ideas? We have a few examples for you:

👋Welcome emails

When someone registers for the talent pool, your newsletter, or a talent community, a personal welcome email is not only a nice gesture but can also convey important information at the same time, e.g. about the company. You can also ask people about which newsletter topics they are particularly interested in or outline how communication works within the community.


A regular newsletter is now part of the standard repertoire in candidate relationship management. But this does not mean you can come up with it just like that. If a structure, including design elements such as an image header, article photos and icons etc, already exists, then the newsletter can be edited and updated with much less effort.

🗓Event invitations

A recruitment day, anniversary celebration, discussion forum – there are many reasons for personally inviting talent leads. In order to wet people’s appetite for the event, the invitation should be informative and appealing. An appropriate template saves graphic costs and can be adapted and sent by several colleagues in a consistent format.

🎄Seasonal mailings

The start of spring, summer holidays, Christmas, New Year – there are plenty of creative opportunities to remind candidates about your company during the year. Templates for seasonal occasions can also be used for customer and internal communication.

🎂Birthday greetings

Nothing is more personal. A few kind words and birthday wishes go down well with any candidate. But realistically, the volume of individual birthday greetings makes implementation only possible with a standard template and messages that are sent from the talent pool automatically.

🎯Target-group-specific information

For those proactively sourcing, ready-prepared and reusable content for specific target groups simplifies work enormously. For example, you can provide the candidate with all relevant information straight after the initial contact. Templates do not only have to be related to design – standard texts can also be set up as templates.

❌Rejection letters

We always meet twice in life. Above all, recruiters should not lose sight of candidates that did very well in the application process. Paradoxically, the basis for this is in the rejection letter, which should somehow still leave a positive impression and preferably include a link for registration in the talent pool.

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