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Pre-recorded video interviewing

Assess candidate profiles quicker, from the preselection phase through to final selection
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Video interview CleverConnect

If your recruiting strategy is looking to achieve at least one of the following goals, then your recruitment team is in need of a pre-recorded video interviewing solution:

Manage large volumes of applications and identify the most relevant profiles
Provide candidates with an innovative candidate experience and improve the candidate journey
Save time organising and conducting preselection interviews
Ensure quality applications at a time where candidates are turning to AI to draft cover letters

Here’s what you can expect with our pre-recorded video interviewing solution.

Design a smooth and tailored interviewing experience

Send automatic personalised emails based on the candidate’s profile to invite them to record a video interview.
Access preset general interview questions that can be edited and completed with further questions that apply specifically to the vacancy role.
Provide instructions and FAQs to help candidates understand how the system works.
Personalized email invitation to the pre-recorded video interview

Identify the best candidates easily and collaboratively

Ask a wide variety of questions (written or recorded) to identify hard and soft skills and spot profiles that you may not have singled out based solely on their CV.
Configure question settings to adapt your questions to your assessment requirements (number of questions, number of attempts, preparation time, etc.).
Share videos with hiring managers over the platform (desktop or mobile) to involve your team in preselecting candidates and/or making a final decision.
Rate your candidates on their video interviews

Seize a new opportunity to exhibit your employer brand

Set up an employer page to present content (text, images, videos, etc.) showcasing your company’s DNA to all who land on the page.
Include employees in the interviewing process by having them record video interview questions for candidates.
Add a customisable appreciation message at the end of the interview to further showcase your employer brand.
Personalized thank-you message for the video interview

Monitor performance and leverage insights for improving your interviewing strategy

Access a comprehensible dashboard to monitor how well each of your pre-recorded video interview campaigns are doing.
Send satisfaction surveys to candidates to identify opportunities for improvement.
Industrialise pre-recorded video interviewing by extending access to more recruiters and/or hiring managers.
Video interview satisfaction questionnaire

As a hiring manager, I feel it is my duty to automate everything that can be automated, so I can focus on the most important tasks, including hiring our future employees.

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Adrien Servan
Hiring Manager, Courir
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When we opened one of our new locations, if we had only considered candidates’ CVs, we wouldn’t have hired 30% of the applicants we ended up hiring.

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