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Candidate Relationship Management

Why is Candidate Relationship Management so important for improving your Talent Acquisition strategy? Simply because today's talent expects more than just occasional contact with you. Building real relationships with your potential candidates has become essential, and to do this, you need to communicate with each of them in a relevant and personalized way, adapting to their different profiles.

Blog articles

Candidate Relationship Management : 15 recruitment actions
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15 relevant and overlooked recruitment actions that a CRM (Candidate Relationship Management) makes possible!

CRM (Candidate Relationship Management) software takes recruitment to the next level with little-known but ultra-relevant actions.
Recruitment sourcing: the HR skills of the future
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Guide: turn your recruitment team into proactive sourcing superheroes

Turn your recruitment team into sourcing superheroes to improve the performance of your Talent Acquisition strategy.
Sourcing: the key is to adapt your existing missions
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Sourcing: the key is to adapt your existing missions

Adopting a proactive sourcing approach doesn't necessarily mean adding new missions to your daily routine. Our advice on how to become a sourcing pro.
Candidate relationship management : profitable tade fairs
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Candidate relationship management (CRM): when job fairs become profitable

Improve your job fairs & events profitability with a CRM tool - collect contacts and nurture them over the long term.
Rare profiles: 4 recruitment mistakes to avoid
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4 mistakes to avoid when recruiting rare profiles: the example of developers, to be applied to all talents

Recruitment process: identifying obstacles for rare profiles (e.g. developers) applications ? How can these mistakes be avoided?
Automate event recruitment: our CRM guide
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Optimized & automated recruitment events with a CRM (Candidate Relationship Management) tool

Successful recruitment events and time savings? With Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) & automation, it's possible.
ATS & CRM: maximizing talent conversion
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ATS + CRM: 2 high-potential tools for converting talent into candidates

ATS + CRM (Candidate Relationship Management) improve recruitment performance + convert talent into candidates. How does it work?
Unsuccessful candidates: the free sourcing asset
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Unsuccessful candidates: how can recruiters capitalize on this gold mine?

Recruiters need to capitalize on unsuccessful but qualified candidates. Regular communication and transparency are key!
Job offer: Top 5 mistakes according to candidates
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Job offer: Top 5 mistakes according to candidates

There are 5 mistakes you must never commit as a recruiter when writing a job posting. The candidates have spoken!
Emailing: candidates' expectations
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Emailing content that interests your candidates: the ultimate guide by profile (generation, sector, education background)

Recruitment: discover emailing content that is relevant for every candidate profile (generation, sector, level of education).
What leads candidates to ghosting?
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Ghosting: what makes candidates stop sending news?

Are candidates ignoring you from one day to the next? Candidate ghosting can be controlled through transparency and personalization.
Passive candidates: sourcing them without LinkedIn
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Finding the passive candidates you need... when LinkedIn isn't enough

Sourcing passive candidates other than on LinkedIn? Private social networks, referral, nurturing...: there are many solutions.
Recruitment: parallels with the 8 marketing evolutions
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Recruitment: parallel with the 8 developments in marketing since the 2000s'

Bridges between consumers and candidates are thin. If we consider candidates like customers, let's recruit like marketers!
Recruitment, economic crisis and CRM
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Recruitment: how to prepare for economic recovery with Candidate Relationship Management?

How can a CRM (Candidate Relationship Management) tool help recruitment get through the economic crisis? Fosway partnership
Tags: how to structure to your candidate relationship management
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Tag Management: How to bring structure to your candidate relationship management

Tag management helps to structure large numbers of candidate profiles. We show you how tags work in combination with talent pools.
Integrating boomerang employees & recruiting strategy
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Including boomerang employees in your recruiting strategy

Read about our tips about involving your former employees in your recruiting strategy by having them represent your company as ambassadors.
Acceptance rates depend on candidate experience
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Nurture your candidate to boost offer acceptance rates (talks with Qonto)

Improving acceptance rates by 30% isn’t an unattainable goal if you invest in your candidate experience and improve it with nurturing.
Template creation: make your candidate relationship management successful
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An easy candidate relationship with template creation: our tips

Fast, efficient, uniform communications adapted to different profiles is the key... using templates can help you become an expert in recruitment marketing.
The marketing techniques in recruiting: nurturing, inbound
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Infographic: When talent acquisition draws inspiration from marketing and lead generation techniques

Marketing techniques apply to recruiting and help talent acquisition experts attract and convert talent into candidates.
Talent Operations: better recruiting process & candidate experience
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4 key takeaways on Talent Operations expertise

Talent Operations roles are increasingly popular in Europe and share the common goal of optimising recruiting processes.
How automation can optimise recruitment workflows?
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Go with the CRM flow: how automation can optimise recruitment workflows?

The aim of automation is to replace sequential manual tasks with automatic steps, thus increasing the efficiency of the entire workflow.

Success stories

Medbase: unique employer brand for each candidate
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An employer brand that adapts to each candidate: Medbase's visionary recruitment strategy

Medbase has overhauled its recruitment and employer branding strategy: no job offers, but unique support for each talent.
Success Story: Candidate Relationship Management with R+V
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R+V: Targeted campaigns and new sourcing opportunities with CRM

R+V Insurance uses CRM for target-group-specific candidate approach and thus uncovers active sourcing potential.

White papers

Recruitment: source the best profiles with CRM

Less than 30 seconds to source the best profiles with your CRM

A Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) tool can centralize all the profiles from ALL the sourcing channels and you can animate them from there.
Recruitment marketing guide: multi-channel communication

Diversify your communication initiatives to reach 100% of talent

Diversify your communication actions and reach 100% of talent with multi-channel campaigns: email, SMS, WhatsApp, social media.
CRM: adapting to talent shortages and the economic crisis

Adapting to skills shortages: the power of CRM in economic turbulence (Fosway partnership)

Talent shortages, an uncertain economy, business objectives - these may seem like obstacles, but CRM can turn these ussues into opportunities
Passive candidate - Your ideal candidate is not looking for a job

Passive candidates - What if your ideal candidate isn’t actually looking for a job?

Discover our white paper: reasons for turning to passive talent to find candidates for your company, and how to do it.
6 steps to an effective recruitment marketing strategy

6 steps towards an effective recruitment marketing strategy

The talent shortage is driving recruiters to look to marketing techniques to attract candidates and improve their experience.

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