The 4 benefits of pre-recorded video interviews for your employer brand

Building a relationship of trust with the pre-recorded video interview: content and pedagogy on the agenda
The pre-recorded video interview enables recruiters to prepare questions that candidates can answer by recording themselves, only when they want to... But that's not all!
Some pre-recorded video interview tools go much further in building a real relationship with candidates. This is the case with the following options.
Personalized automatic emails
Right from the start of the relationship, you can personalize the emails talents receive inviting them to take part in the pre-recorded video interview.
In these emails, you can :
- introduce your company,
- talk about the position and its missions,
- explain the benefits of the pre-recorded video interview,
- give tips on how to answer questions,
- share the next steps in the recruitment process after the interview,
- etc.
It's the perfect opportunity to make contact and establish a relationship of trust, even before candidates answer the questions.
A company presentation page
Candidates who click on the invitation sent by email will not necessarily be directed directly to the questions. You can choose to set up a company presentation page directly on your pre-recorded video interview platform.
Like a mini career site, this page will showcase your identity, and you can personalize it with your employer branding content to ensure that your candidate is familiar with your company before they start answering the questionnaire you've prepared. A good way to show that this tool is not just an interview tool, but also a way of building a real relationship. And to build a lasting relationship, you need to know the other side well!
Videotaped questions
You can prepare written questions as well as questions in video format! Record yourself or plan to do so with the help of one of your hiring managers, perhaps even a team member.
There are 3 advantages to this confidence-inspiring format:
- It's easier to explain and contextualize the question with a video format: candidates will have more useful information to answer.
- This format improves the bond with the candidate: you show that you're willing to play the video recording game, just as you ask your candidates to do.
- The questions asked on video are more humanized: it's a real person we see talking, smiling, etc. This brings the warmth of the video to the interview. This brings the warmth of a traditional interview without the obligation of appointments and travel.
FAQs and recording aids
Pedagogy is very important with this kind of innovative tool! You need to make sure that your candidate will find it easy to use the deferred video interview: you can set up questions and answers that will give them all the information they need before they start.
This applies to the tool itself, but also to how to record, advice on how to prepare questions, the camera environment and framing, the type of equipment, etc. Not leaving them in the dark is a good way of inspiring the confidence they need to get the relationship off to a good start.
👉 Need to identify your candidates' soft skills easily? Discover our pre-recorded video interview tool
Pre-recorded video interview: highlighting the company's transparency and objectivity
Each interview is different, even if you prepare a single outline for all candidates for the same position. Adapting to the person in front of you is very important, and your candidate's personality obviously plays a part in how the interview unfolds. That's why classic interviews are essential for the stages after pre-selection.
But pre-qualification and qualification interviews don't require this kind of exchange. And the fact of being able to propose the same questions to ALL candidates without distinction means that data can be drawn from exactly the same database.This is what pre-recorded video interviewing is all about. With its specific features, you can be sure you haven't forgotten a question, you can also be sure you've asked it in the same way for each candidate, etc.
It's easier to pre-qualify your candidates in a totally objective way thanks to the pre-recorded video interview, and this is something you can emphasize in your invitation email and in the various content you offer your candidates.
Pre-recorded video interview: the personality of the candidate AND the company
Most candidates don't appreciate being just another number in the recruitment process. They need to feel that they are unique and that the recruiter in front of them values them as an individual. The pre-recorded video interview allows you to show them that their personality is essential to you, as are their soft skills.
These famous soft skills (relational, emotional, methodological qualities...) are increasingly important to recruiters, but we mustn't forget that candidates also expect to be perceived as human beings, more than as assemblies of skills, experience and techniques.
The pre-recorded video interview was designed to detect this kind of skill: talk to your candidates about it! Explain why they are important to you and to the company looking to recruit them. Show them that you're a good match.
Of course, you can include one or two test questions on technical skills, but you'll be able to pre-qualify your candidates more easily if you're sure they match your expectations in terms of interpersonal skills, motivation and fit with the company's personality.
The pre-recorded video interview shows your values and commitments as a company
Thanks to the questions you ask and the content you prepare, you can show who you are. Because if the personality of your candidates is important to you, in order to help you know whether they should take the next step... you need to realize that your personality as an employer and your promise are essential to help your candidates know whether they want to join you. Forget neutral content, show who you are and why these candidates should join you!
Bonus: employer branding & ecology
A company's CSR policy is also part of its personality and positioning. More and more candidates are attaching particular importance to these issues. Pre-recorded video interviews can minimize the need for unnecessary physical interviews, which can also be a way of demonstrating your commitment to the environment, as well as enhancing your employer brand.
Innovation & pre-recorded video interviewing: a tool that gives you a good reputation
Of course, let's not forget that the deferred video interview is a tool. Its innovative features naturally contribute to the way candidates perceive your company.
The simple fact of using a differentiating tool can be enough to show that your company is investing in ever more effective devices to recruit better, provide faster responses to candidates, and so on. This already enhances your reputation and therefore your employer brand.
But our advice is to go further! Explain why you have chosen this tool and how it will benefit the candidate. Because the candidate experience is increasingly important for companies, and offering the most optimized digital candidate paths possible is becoming more than just a nice-to-have, it's becoming a must-have if you want to be convincing.
👉 Need to identify your candidates' soft skills easily? Discover our pre-recorded video interview tool